Friday, September 19, 2008

The new mantra : customer evangelism!!!!!

Evangelism marketing is an advanced form of word of mouth marketing in which companies develop customers who believe so strongly in a particular product or service that they freely try to convince others to buy and use it. The customers become voluntary advocates, actively spreading the word on behalf of the company.
Evangelism marketing is sometimes confused with affiliate marketing. However, while affiliate programs provide incentives in the form of money or products, evangelist customers spread their recommendations and recruit new customers out of pure belief, not for the receipt of goods or money. Rather, the goal of the customer evangelist is simply to provide benefit to other individuals.
As they act independently, evangelist customers often become key influencers. The fact that evangelists are not paid or associated with any company make their beliefs perceived by others as credible and trustworthy.
Evangelism literally comes from the three words of 'bringing good news' and the marketing term justly draws from the religious sense, as consumers are literally driven by their beliefs in a product or service, which they preach in an attempt to convert others
In their book, "Creating customer evangelists: How Loyal Customers Become a Volunteer Sales Force", Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba outline six steps to creating customer evangelists:

  • Customer plus-delta (Continuously gather customer feedback)
  • Napsterize knowledge (Freely share your knowledge)
  • Build the buzz (Create intelligent word-of-mouth networks)
  • Create community (Encourage communities of customers to meet and share)
  • Make bite-size chunks (Devise specialized, smaller offerings to get customers to bite)
  • Create a cause (Focus on making the world, or your industry, better)

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